凡尔赛宫 布面油画 奥古斯特•雷诺阿(法国,1841–1919) 1900–1905年 52.1 x 63.2厘米 Auguste Renoir (French, 1841–1919) Versailles 1900–1905 Oil on canvas 52.1 x 63.2 cm Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 (1975.1.202)
比塞特郊区的海狸河畔 亨利•卢梭(法国,1844–1910) 布面油画,54.6x45.7厘米,约1908–1909年 Henri Rousseau (le Douanier) (French, 1844–1910) The Banks of the Bièvre near Bicêtre ca. 1908–9 Oil on canvas 54.6 x 45.7 cm The Friedsam Collection, Bequest of Michael Friedsam, 1931 (32.100.14)
凡尔赛宫 布面油画 奥古斯特•雷诺阿(法国,1841–1919) 1900–1905年 52.1 x 63.2厘米 Auguste Renoir (French, 1841–1919) Versailles 1900–1905 Oil on canvas 52.1 x 63.2 cm Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 (1975.1.202)
约塞米蒂峡谷的默塞德河 阿尔伯特•比兹塔特(美国,1830–1902) 布面油画,91.4x127厘米,1866年 Albert Bierstadt (American, 1830–1902) Merced River, Yosemite Valley 1866 Oil on canvas 91.4 x 127 cm Gift of the sons of William Paton, 1909 (09.214.1)
海岸松林 亨利•埃德蒙德•克劳斯(法国,1856–1910) 布面油画,54x65.4厘米,1896年 Henri-Edmond Cross (French, 1856–1910) Pines Along the Shore 1896 Oil on canvas 54 x 65.4 cm Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 (1975.1.164)
从安康圣母教堂的门廊眺望威尼斯 约瑟夫•玛罗德•威廉•透纳(英国,1775–1851) 布面油画,91.4x122.2厘米,约1835年 Joseph Mallord William Turner (English, 1775–1851) Venice, from the Porch of Madonna della Salute ca. 1835 Oil on canvas 91.4 x 122.2 cm Bequest of Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1899 (99.31)
从埃斯塔克看马赛海湾 保罗•塞尚(法国,1839–1906) 布面油画,73x100.3厘米,约1885年 Paul Cézanne (French, 1839–1906) The Gulf of Marseilles Seen from L’Estaque ca. 1885 Oil on canvas 73 x 100.3 cm H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 (29.100.67)
艾特达附近的岩门 克劳德•莫奈(法国,1840–1926) 布面油画,65.4x81.3厘米,1883年 Claude Monet (French, 1840–1926) The Manneporte (Étretat) 1883 Oil on canvas 65.4 x 81.3 cm Bequest of William Church Osborn, 1951 (51.30.5)
水晶花瓶中的一束鲜花 尼古拉斯•梵•韦伦德尔(佛兰德人,1640–1691) 布面油画,49.5x 40.3厘米,1662年 Nicolaes van Veerendael (Flemish, 1640–1691) A Bouquet of Flowers in a Crystal Vase 1662 Oil on canvas 49.5 x 40.3 cm Bequest of Stephen Whitney Phoenix, 1881 (81.1.652)
雕鸮由约翰•弗里德里希•艾伯林塑模(德国,1695–1749)迈森瓷器公司制作 硬质瓷,52.1x 29.4x 23.8厘米,约1735年 Modeled by Johann Friedrich Eberlein (German, 1695–1749) Manufactured by Meissen Porcelain Manufactory (Meissen, Germany, 1710–present) Eagle owl ca. 1735 Hard-paste porcelain 52.1 x 29.4 x 23.8 cm
马儿小雕像 希腊 青铜,17.6 x 13.3x 3.5厘米,铁器时代,几何时期,公元前8世纪 Statuette of a horse Iron Age, Geometric period, 8th century B.C. Greek Bronze 17.6 x 13.3 x 3.5 cm Rogers Fund, 1921 (21.88.24)
北极熊 弗朗索瓦•蓬朋(法国,1855–1933) 大理石,29.2x 48.3x 17.1厘米,约1923年 François Pompon (French, 1855–1933) Polar Bear ca. 1923 Marble 29.2 x 48.3 x 17.1 cm Purchase, Edward C. Moore Jr. Gift, 1930 (30.123ab)
林间小路 梅因德尔特•霍贝玛(荷兰,1638–1709) 布面油画,94.6x129.5厘米,约1670年 Meyndert Hobbema (Dutch, 1638–1709) Woodland Road ca. 1670 Oil on canvas 94.6 x 129.5 cm Bequest of Mary Stillman Harkness, 1950 (50.145.22)
谷地 雅各布•凡•雷斯达尔(荷兰,1628/1629–1682) 布面油画,47 x 57.2厘米,约1665–1670年 Jacob van Ruisdael (Dutch, 1628/29–1682) Grainfields ca. 1665–70 Oil on canvas 47 x 57.2 cm The Friedsam Collection, Bequest of Michael Friedsam, 1931 (32.100.14)
从主教领地眺望索尔兹伯里大教堂 约翰•康斯特布尔(英国,1776–1837) 布面油画,87.9x111.8厘米,约1825年 John Constable (English, 1776–1837) Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop’s Grounds ca. 1825 Oil on canvas 87.9 x 111.8 cm Bequest of Mary Stillman Harkness, 1950 (50.145.8)
有两盏灯的灯塔 爱德华•霍珀(美国,1882–1967) 布面油画,74.9 x 109.9厘米,1929年 Edward Hopper (American, 1882–1967) The Lighthouse at Two Lights 1929 Oil on canvas 74.9 x 109.9 cm Hugo Kastor Fund, 1962 (62.95)
卡兹奇的初秋风光 托马斯•科尔(美国,1801—1848) 布面油画,99.1x160 厘米,1836—1837年 Thomas Cole (American, 1801–1848) View on the Catskill—Early Autumn 1836–37 Oil on canvas 99.1 x 160 cm Gift in memory of Jonathan Sturges by his children, 1895 (95.13.3)
猫的雕像 青铜,镀铅,32 x 11.9x 23.3厘米,埃及,托勒密王朝,约公元前323–30年 Statuette of a cat Egypt, Ptolemaic period, ca. 323–30 B.C. Leaded bronze 32 x 11.9 x 23.3 cm Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1956 (56.16.1)
干草垛:秋天 让—弗朗索瓦•米勒(法国,1814–1875) 布面油画,85.1x110.2厘米,约1874年 Jean-François Millet (French, 1814–1875) Haystacks: Autumn ca. 1874 Oil on canvas 85.1 x 110.2 cm Bequest of Lillian S. Timken, 1959 (60.71.12)