Harvest time. Toreutics on a guard of a Japanese sword has a design of ears of rice and a butterfly landing on them. No, they actually are DNA winding around nucleosome.(收获时节。日本警卫剑剑首上的金属浮雕,描绘有稻穗和停落其上的蝴蝶。而事实上,他们是环绕核小体的DNA。)

A huge and prestigious shrine that looks like Izumo-Taisha shrine at a glance. White zigzag paper streamers like a leucine zipper-type transcription factor are tucked in a giant sacred rope (dextrorotatory double-helix). The paper streamers probably bind to specific sequences of dsDNA expressed as a
Importance of bidirectional transportation between TOHOKU and surrounding districts. The “Kaido” expressed as a stone-pave street is designed to look like microtubules. Carts going left and pulled by bulls and messengers going right are expressions of motor proteins with cargos in eukaryote cells.