Garden art In Newport, CA, geometric steppingstones crossing a small pool give the illusion of walking on water. A piece of art tucked amid greenery at the end of the path treats visitors to a visual surprise.
Balinese style pool and garden. Natural materials and big leafy plants, it's hard to go wrong. Pinned to Pool Design by Darin Bradbury of BASK Pool Design.
After #2 final photo!: Steer clear of thirsty plants... Bold succulents—agaves, aloes & aeonium—give Brooke’s garden the tropical foliage she wanted without the heavy water requirements. There’s also a lot less lawn to be irrigated now—she left just enough grass to spread out a blanket.
Garden art In Newport, CA, geometric steppingstones crossing a small pool give the illusion of walking on water. A piece of art tucked amid greenery at the end of the path treats visitors to a visual surprise.
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