Lydia Litvyak was a Soviet fighter pilot in during WWII, and is one of the world’s two female fighter jet aces. She went down in combat in 1943 at the age of 21. Just look at those eyes
抗日战争爆发前,中国 Zheng Fu 曾计划发展现代空军,在杭州设立训练飞行员和机组维护人员的设施。在中日战争初期,当中国军队被迫撤离中国东部地区后,杭州的空军设施沦为日本空军的重要基地。1943年1945年间,杭州基地屡遭中美混合战机和第14航空队的攻击。基地里的机棚和建筑物弹痕累累。1945年10月,为了从中国的基地里收集供国民 Zheng Fu 使用的飞机,第14航空队的小股部队进驻这个基地
Lydia Litvyak was a Soviet fighter pilot in during WWII, and is one of the world’s two female fighter jet aces. She went down in combat in 1943 at the age of 21. Just look at those eyes