Hickory Snow 核桃斯諾 Hickory dickory dake. The mouse ran up the cake. He found himself surrounded by crunchy nuts, and soft sweet cheese and cream. The clock struck one. The mouse exploded. It was just too much pleasure for his little rodent heart. Hickory dickory dake.

Chocolate Pudding 巧克力絲語 Chocolate mousse is a dessert icon, and like icons in general, it has a lot going for it. For one thing, it's made of chocolate. But just because chocolate mousse is iconic, doesn't mean it's untouchable. I mean, who says we can't put our own personal touch on it?
Chestnut Cream 栗蓉暗香 Chestnuts and real fresh cream go so well together you know this isn’t going to be a short term dalliance. In fact, one whiff of the aroma of Chestnut Cream and you’ll realize you’re attending their wedding – Swiss dark chocolate will be performing the ceremony.
Mango Jerry 芒果慕斯 From November to next September, Mangoes around the world get to maturi-ty! So before purchasing a mango, check your calendar, then your globe to find where the best ones are hiding out (that’s what we do). Because of these capricious seasons. 21cake selects mangoes from Australia
Black Label 黑方 As absence makes the heart grow fonder, whisky makes chocolate grow stronger, or at least its aroma. Here the pristine modern lines mirror China’s sparkling new architecture, although the Black Label will seduce your eyes only because it has designs on your taste buds.