Light My Fire” captured by the lens of Takao Iwasawa and styled by Ko-ta Shouji with pieces from Yohji Yamamoto, Krisvanassche, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Neil Barrett, John Lawrence Sullivan and more
Light My Fire” captured by the lens of Takao Iwasawa and styled by Ko-ta Shouji with pieces from Yohji Yamamoto, Krisvanassche, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Neil Barrett, John Lawrence Sullivan and more
《I Love My Sudder Street》:这是一个开始于2009年的项目,并且还在持续。波兰摄影师Aleksander Bochenek,记录的是住在印度加尔各答Sudder街上的Roshni Mallick和她的家人。就像生活本身,虽然充满了贫穷和忧伤,但那里的人们却可以从看似简单的小事上找到快乐。