威廉·克莱兹·海达《A still life of a rummer of white wine, a lemon on a pewter plate, a knife and a glass of ale on a table covered with a dark green cloth》,1634年
Day dress, ca. 1860s, in a white jaconet print with narrow lace trim. Two glass buttons in the front; loose belt with rosette, edged with lace. National Museum of Denmark
ღ敬你一杯酒,从此莫回头。Respect you a glass of wine and then don't look back anyway.往事归零,爱恨随意。我干杯,你随意。The past return to zero,love is free.I drink and you at will.
COLLE pour PAPIER MACHE (tuto) glue : 1 liter of water, 1 glass of flour, and 1/2 cup salt. All in a blender, to avoid lumps, and I heat the pan without boiling, stirring regularly, and monitoring, as a béchamel!
ღ敬你一杯酒,从此莫回头。Respect you a glass of wine and then don't look back anyway.往事归零,爱恨随意。我干杯,你随意。The past return to zero,love is free.I drink and you at will.