Henri J. Sillam品牌的旗舰店设于维也纳,是一间历史悠久的家族企业,1835年创建于法国,其后植根奥地利。家族曾是十九世纪法国皇室御用的金匠,一直以非凡的工艺见称。毕业于美国耶鲁大学及维也纳国立大学的Henri J. Sillam是家族第五代,是行政总裁兼品牌总设计师,他认为一件高级珠宝首饰,不单要求作工精细,更要运用上矜贵稀有之素材,配合永恒独特的设计,才可称得上是与众不同、独一无二的高级珠宝。

A 19th century jewellery set made from Assyrian and Babylonian cylinder and stamp seals, belonging to Lady Layard. The seals date from anywhere between 2000 and 600 B.C., the gold mounting from the late 1800s. This practice, where ancient artefacts, when pretty enough, were reused as jewellery, wa…