流行于法国十八世纪的洛可可艺术,风格纤巧、精美、浮华。将洛可可艺术融入腕表设计,不仅增添了腕表自身的设计感还给人一种远古浮华的时代感。舞会是宫廷生活必不可少的调味品。这款舞会主题腕表以宫廷故事表达洛可可风格。无论是背景线条勾勒的宫殿,还是镂空起舞的贵族男女们都使贵族生活的奢华幻美一览无余。就连占据表盘下方的花朵也仿佛是在风中婀娜摇曳。曲线的流动感以及宫殿舞会的主题,都将宫廷洛可可的意味展现。掩映于冰天雪地之中的圣彼得堡,宛如从俄罗斯童话中浮现的魔幻世界【梵克雅宝 Bals de Légende 系列腕表】

A 19th century jewellery set made from Assyrian and Babylonian cylinder and stamp seals, belonging to Lady Layard. The seals date from anywhere between 2000 and 600 B.C., the gold mounting from the late 1800s. This practice, where ancient artefacts, when pretty enough, were reused as jewellery, wa…