54、在365 天的每个夜,我都会送你一份礼物:有时会是一束花,有时会是一个吻,有时会是一个拥抱,有时会是一句甜甜的晚安。Every night of the year, i'll give you a little present.Sometimes it'll be a bouquet of flowers or a kiss,and other times it'll be a hug or a swet whisper "Good night".
100、我想陪你看一辈子的电影,总是在你身旁为你右手举着可乐左手捧着大桶爆米花。 I will spend my whole life taking you to all the movies.When i sit by your side i can use my right hand for the Coke and left hand to feed you popcorn.
88、你喜欢的那道菜,我愿意为你学做,做到拿手,做一辈子。 For that dish you crave for, i'll learn the recipe and cook for you until i totally master it, even if it takes a lifetime.
87、我会帮你修电脑拧水管通马桶,你不会的一切我都会帮你搞定。 I'll help you fix the computer ,tighten water pipes, even unblock the toilet! If there's anything that you can't do,i'll be there to sort it out.
80、如果我是一只漂泊的小船,你是一片无风的海岸,我愿意在你温暖的胸怀中缓缓靠岸。If i were a small boat adrift with the tides and you were a breezeless seashore, i would want to slowly drift towards the shores of your warm aems.
77、心是雨的,晴也是雨的;心是晴的,雨也是晴的。我会让你的心田永远晴空万里。When it is raining inside the heart ,even sunny days are gloomy.When it is sunny inside,even rainy days are delightful. I'll make sure that there's only good weather in your heart.