Kate Jones,也被称为Mobokeh,英国平面设计师,从了电视节目和电影中得到灵感,创作了一系列超级英雄的视觉作品,包括霍比特人,饥饿游戏,蝙蝠侠,黑天鹅以及詹姆士·邦德,甘道夫等等著名的人物造型。

A friend of mine started a project that revolved around what adults wanted to be when they were kids. From ninja astronauts to water park owner, there were some pretty fantastic answers. To be honest, I can’t remember anything before artist. Which brings me to today. Jason Ratliff
A friend of mine started a project that revolved around what adults wanted to be when they were kids. From ninja astronauts to water park owner, there were some pretty fantastic answers. To be honest, I can’t remember anything before artist. Which brings me to today. Jason Ratliff