VLADSTUDIO壁纸【1920x1200】新生儿 newborn【2010-7-13 Vlad Gerasimov: I am a father! On July 3, our first baby, Alice, was born. Welcome to the wonderful world, my little Alice!】
VLADSTUDIO壁纸【1920x1200】巴黎地图 paris map(Vlad Gerasimov 画了一张巴黎地图作为礼物,送给他的要去巴黎度蜜月的朋友。)【2008-5-15 Vlad Gerasimov: I made this map as wedding gift to a friend of mine who was going to have honeymoon travel to Paris.】
VLADSTUDIO壁纸【1920x1200】雷电 thunder 【2008-7-17 Vlad Gerasimov: We had very scary storm tonight, and I made some photos of it. This wallpaper is 100% photo, not drawing or Photoshop filter :-) Photo taken with Canon 400D, Sigma 17-70 lens. Hue and levels slightly adjusted in Photoshop.】