【不一样的“点赞”】1.Terrific!太棒了! 2.Here you go 干得好!3. Topnotch 高手!4. Awesome 好极了!5. Nice going 干得好!6. Bravo 真棒!7. Wow 哇!(叫绝声) 8. Incredible 简直难以置信! 9. Super 极好! 10. Way To Go 就该这么做!
【老外常挂在嘴边的那几句话】1.You bet. 没错。2.There you go. 就这样了。 3.Here you go. 干的好。 4.Oh! My God! 喔!我的老天!5.Oh! Boy! 天啊!6.Holy cow! 不会吧!(哇赛)!7.Kind of. 是有那么一点,(还好啦!)8.The thing is, we need to talk. 重点是,我们必须谈谈。9.Duh. 废话。
【成语】1)乱七八糟To be in a huge mess.2)一见钟情To fall in love at first sight.3)爱不释手To love something too much to part with it.4)对牛弹琴To address the wrong listener.5)半途而废To give up halfway.6)一鸣惊人To become famous overnight.7)自相矛盾To contradict oneself.
【最“in”的英语短语】1.in detail 详细地;2.in all 总共;3. in hand 在进行中;在掌握中;4.in addition 另外;5. in honor of 向…表示尊敬;为祝贺…;6.in advance 预先;7.in short 总之;8.in a way 在某种程度上;9. in a sense 在某种意义上~
【剩女难嫁的因素】1)自身优秀,相貌俊俏 Excellent both inside and outside 2)一技之长,薪酬较高 Specialized and high salary 3)独立生活能力强 Independent 4)完美主义者 The perfectionist 5)下班后爱做宅女 Stay at home after work 6)对男人有偏见 Prejudice against men
有一天女孩问男孩ABCDEFG是什么意思?男孩回答:A boy can do everything for girl【一个男孩可以为女孩做任何事情】好多人告诉女孩后面还有HIJK- He is just kidding【他只是在开玩笑】女孩笑了笑说:就算他骗我也没关系…因为后面还有LMNOP-Love must need our patience【爱情需要付出耐心】
【易混淆英文】1.Pull someone's leg 开某人的玩笑(不是“拉某人的腿”);2.Between jobs 待业中(不是“在工作之间”);3.White house 白宫(不是“白色的房子”);4.Talk fish 吹牛(不是“谈鱼”);5.Big potato 大人物(不是“大土豆”);6.In two twos 立刻(不是“两两之间”)
【“逝世”的表达】1)He passed away.2)She has bitten the dust.3)She is resting in peace.4)Her time has come. 5)She went to meet her maker yesterday.6)go to heaven. 7)She was called to God. 8)She has paid with her life.9)go to a better world.10)She breathed her last yesterday
【“拖延症”英语怎么说?】1. 拖延症:Procrastination,例如:How to overcome procrastination? 怎么克服拖延症? 2. 描述某人很能拖延:Terry procrastinates way too much. Terry太能拖延了。3. 形容某人磨磨蹭蹭:drag one's feet,例如:We gotta go now. Stop dragging your feet.
【损人小短句】Poser!耍大牌;stingy bastard!小气鬼;Nerd 书呆子;Same difference半斤八两;You just don't appreciate it.不识抬举;How did it come to this!岂有此理;Playing with fire 找死;Lucky bastard! 狗屎运;Don't play innocent!别装蒜;That's rubbish!胡扯
【天冷了怎么说】1. It's freezing/chilly out there! 外面冷死了! 2. There is a real nip in the air today。今天寒气袭人。 3. The wind really chills me to the bone. / The wind is bone-chilling。 这寒风真是刺骨。4. I can't stop shivering from the cold。我冷得不停打哆嗦。